Helping local companies find and hire the best individuals for their organizations
Finding and hiring the right talent can be difficult. We assist local companies with finding the best matches for their organization. With over 6000 members, the Nursing Detroit Network boasts a vast array of professional talent ranging from certified nurse assistants and respiratory therapists to advanced practice nurses and doctorate-prepared nurse educators.
We help employers find talent the good old-fashioned way…word of mouth and community networking. We offer employers the opportunity to share job offers within our diverse network. In addition, community members work together to refer other members to employers of choice. The community builds the community.
Looking for the right people? Submit your information and we'll help you find the right local talent!
An LPN posted on The Nursing Detroit Facebook Community asking where LPN positions were. I responded. She thought it would be hard to get in. Within three days I hired her for one of my clinics. Nursing Detroit is an awesome network for finding good talent.
Marla Gresham, Chief Nurse for Mental Health-Detroit VA
Thank you to all of my amazing colleages in Nursing Detroit! This group is such a powerful and supportive network of professionals. Because of the network, I met Shannon who applied for a position I needed to fill ASAP and she's here! So glad to have her on my team!
Marsha Montgomery, EMHA, MSN, BSN, RN-Senior Clinical Leader U of M-Ann Arbor
We needed someone last minute to sit with an autistic adult while his mom had surgery. I reached out to the Nursing Detroit community and found a sitter within an hour! AND she did an amazing job!
Portia Lockett, Director of Community Relations - DMC